[gurps] [VEHICLE] of the week 1244 - Adventurer's Truck (2040s Version)
Onno Meyer
7 years ago
  This is a weekly posting with GURPS vehicles (and the like) to the
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  Onno Meyer, 2018-08-27

Adventurer's Truck (2040s Version) v1.0 (TL8)
  Copyright 2018 by Onno Meyer

  Even if satellite images of the entire globe are available online, an
adventure should involve boots on the ground. This pickup truck carries
a party of adventurers over jungle paths or desert tracks on their way
to the lair of the Evil Overlord or the mysterious buried temple.
  The double cab has two seats and a bench for two or three passengers.
The truck is capable of autonomous driving, at least on good roads. It
has a CB radio, a cellphone, and a satphone. More traditional upgrades
include a front-mounted winch and powerful cab lights. The rear cargo
bed can hold perhaps a ton of gear.
  The engine burns 5.4 gallons of gasoline or diesel or 6.48 gallons of
alcohol per hour at 85 mph. A full tank of diesel is $30.

Subassemblies: Body +3, four Off-Road Wheels +1, Open Mount -2, Open
  Mount +0.
Powertrain: 180-kW all-wheel drivetrain; 180-kW turbocharged ceramic
  engine; 10,000-kWs improved battery.
Fuel: 25 gallons diesel (fire on 7).
Occ: 2 RCS, 3 NS.   Cargo: 2.5 cf hidden cargo, 50 cf open cargo.

Armo       F    RL     B     T     U
Body:     3/5   3/5   3/5   3/5   3/5
Wheels:   3/5   3/5   3/5   3/5   3/5

  Body: Medium-range radio; short-range cellular phone; medium-range,
tight-beam cellular phone with scrambler; four x5 LLTVs; two 0.1-mile
high-res imaging radars; global positioning system; laser sensor; two C2
hardened small computers; two terminals; compact fire suppression
system; high security alarm; 5-man environmental controls; five
crashwebs. Open Mount #1: Four 0.5-mile searchlights. Open Mount #2: ST
100 winch. External: Puncture-resistant tires; tow hitch.

Size: 18'x7'x6'    Payload: 3,200 lbs.   Lwt.: 6,400 lbs.
Volume: 365.4 cf   Maint.: 55 hours      Price: $130,630

HT: 12.   HPs: Body 450, each Wheel 75, Open Mount #1 8,
               Open Mount #2 36.

gSpeed: 140   gAccel: 5   gDecel: 20   gMR: 1.5   gSR: 5
Ground Pressure Moderate. 1/3 Off-Road Speed.

wSpeed: 6   wAccel: 1   wDecel: 10(10.5)   wMR: 0.5   wSR: 5
Draft 1.2'. Flotation Rating 18,750 lbs.

Design Notes
  Body is 300 cf with fair streamlining. Wheels are 60 cf. Open Mount #1
is 0.4 cf. Open Mount #2 is 5 cf. Structure is expensive, medium.
Improved suspension and brakes, smartwheels. Armor is expensive metal.
Waterproofed. Computerized controls. 9.45 cf of empty space in the Body.
Empty weight is 3,200 lbs.
  The vehicle uses the design rules from Vehicles [second edition, third
printing, July 2010 errata] and VXii (the armor volume rule) with the
text format from Vehicles Lite.

Next Week: A more urban van.
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